Strategy & Implementation
Uptown Studios worked closely with CSAC staff to put together a list of demographics and themes to cover in the series. We assembled a group of racial, gender and age diverse speakers who had attended community college, tech/vocational schools, continuing ed and 4-year university track with the help of financial aid. We solicited rough drafts of testimonials from the students, and helped edit the copy for a consistent series flow. We offered coaching and rehearsal time via zoom which was very helpful to calm the jitters and enable the candidates to speak confidently with built-in freedom to go off script. We shot the speakers in the studio with a greenscreen and added background color and graphics in the editing process.
The videos were prepared in horizontal and vertical formats and distributed on social media. We also shot stills to be used on billboards and other marketing collateral. It was a very successful and enjoyable campaign and we are very proud of all of the participants.