Case Studies / Sacramento County Coalition for Youth

With the Future Forward Campaign, Local Teens Tell Drug Awareness Stories their Peers Can Relate To

We brought all of our video toys to the table on this project including dolly, Steadicam, gimbal, Sony FS7, and Sony A7sii and we set up dramatic lighting.

Uptown had the opportunity to create a series of drug awareness PSAs for the Sacramento County Coalition for Youth’s (SCCY) Future Forward campaign. After extensive research and focus groups with dozens of teens in the Greater Sacramento Area, the feedback was unanimous: Teens wanted something they could connect and relate to.
Future Forward title card

Strategy & Implementation

Taking all that information into consideration, we created two cinematic, yet real, representations of SCCY youth members. The shoot took two days in four locations. We brought all of our video toys to the table on this project including dolly, Steadicam, gimbal, Sony FS7, and Sony A7sii and we set up dramatic lighting. We shot everything in S-log 3 Cine and did the color grading and post-production in Premiere Pro.


It was inspiring to work with youth who really believed in the Future Forward message. The video campaign was supplemented with print and marketing collateral including billboards.