California Department of Public Health: Let’s Get Healthy California Website, A Human-Centered Design Case Study
We started the Let’s Get Healthy California project with Human-Centered Design focus groups, one-to-one interviews and steering committee interviews. Get up! and start thinking; the process of Human-Centered Design is to get the people that know the system into the room and start talking about what is needed, but in a different way. Human-Centered Design pushes people to dig deep to come up with ideas and possibilities.
After we have gathered the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of everyone involved, the team engaged in a synthesis process to distill information, find common themes that arise and formulate insights which become the basis for solutioning and finally, giving recommendations.
From these recommendations, the Let’s Get Healthy California website was designed and implemented. Let’s Get Healthy California is a 10 year plan for improving the health and healthcare of Californians and advancing health equity. This is a comprehensive website complete with 50-75 interactive data visualizations, an in-depth engagement portal and a report card of California’s progress towards this momentous goal.