The banner image for the Pecha Kucha event at Uptown Studios

Event Details

Held at the new headquarters of Uptown Studios, the upcoming PechaKucha Night is something you don’t want to miss! PechaKucha is a fun event where people share their creative stories in a simple presentation format where they show 20 images, each for 20 seconds and talk along to the images. It’s a social event that’s filled with fun, networking and most importantly, inspiration.


  • Caity Maple
  • Dr. Michael Marion, Jr.
  • Marlene von Friedrichs-Fitzwater
  • Annie Latta
  • MatthewVan Donsel
  • Christine Folck
  • Tina Reynolds
  • Tommy Young

If you want join the list of speakers, contact or Register for your seat today!

Get your tickets


October 20, 2016
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Uptown Studios
2415 23rd Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
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