Uptown Studios

10 Tips For Basic Photo Editing In Photoshop

As a part of projects, I am often tasked with editing photos. There are plenty of really silly and fun things you can do with Photoshop’s editing tools, but I thought a good old fashioned list of things that would actually improve the average photo might be helpful to share! Below is a list of my top ten tips for basic photo editing in Photoshop …

Google Grants Management For Nonprofits

Google Grants management is a powerful tool created to help nonprofits fundraise, market, and manage digital advertising goals. If you are interested in applying for Google Grants, then this is the blog for you. Reason for this blog post: Inform nonprofits how to be eligible for Google Grants and to successfully manage …

Building an Accessible Digital Color Palette, Part 1

Start with Selecting your Greys from Dark to Light A good starting place to build an accessible digital color palette is to determine the shades of grey or neutrals for your palette. Select grey values that look different enough from one another to suggest primary, secondary, or tertiary status–and also pass accessibility guidelines.

Be a Change Agent for Good

Be a Change Agent for Good

Our team is committed to building a world around us that is conscious and filled with positive intentions. We want to work with people who tear down silos. We love clients that have a propensity to create change. We are here to transform the way you think about marketing; how it should …