Uptown Studios

Small Business Decisions During COVID-19 That End Up BIG

I started my first business in 1976. It was a design-only business that grew from one employee (me) to a team of 16 creative professionals. And this was back in the day when we had three typographers, two designers, a darkroom tech, a printer (AKA a person who actually ran a printing press) …

So You’re Starting A Small Business In Sacramento?

We are going to discuss a little about running a small business. After you have a name, a business license, a bank, and all that basic stuff, it’s go time. But what does “go time” even mean? Let’s deep dive into some of the main items that you will need to execute in order to launch …

How Great Graphic Design Can Get More Eyes On Your Annual Report

Getting ready to design an annual report for your organization can be overwhelming. There are so many things to gather and to choose from! How can you showcase a whole year’s worth of highlights into a budget-friendly publication? What should you include, or not include? Once you have …

An Update from Tina Reynolds

When I started Uptown Studios 28 years ago I lived in the same house I live in now. Back then, my desk was in the same place it is today: the living room with a great view of the front window. COVID-19 has put me right back where I started. Except now I have a team of 17 employees and they are all working remotely too …

Black Stories White People Need to Hear

The police killings of Black people paired with antiracist uprisings have exploded like a powder keg. We are watching and listening, reaching out, and finding ways to support our Black, Native and Brown friends and cohorts. Enter Black Stories: Kiara Reed and I put our heads together to highlight the Black Stories we all need to hear. With the country …

Protest Poster Project

In the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd and the protests that followed after, Uptown Studios launched a protest poster project to support small businesses that had resorted to using plywood boards to help protect against damages from looters. The brainchild of Tina Reynolds and Jill Bruschera, the protest posters featured positive messages in support of …