I cannot be silent!
I cannot be silent on the issues today. It has been clear for years that our police systems are broken, racial injustices continue from the inside, then break communities on the outside. I have spent years trying to work within the existing systems with small wins and lots of no change.
Today is about all of my black and brown brothers and sisters and the fight we all must join.
We are all in various states of pain, anger, and grief about the past week’s events. We are open to your suggestions on how we can help, how we can get involved, and how we can build our community bigger and better than ever.
As community leaders, we are here to get involved at the core. We want to pull in and utilize our connections to the people that need to make the decisions. We want to be clear that we will be inclusive, transparent, and thoughtful, as will the people we solicit to join us to create social change.
While racism, sexism, and homophobia are all joined at the hip, by getting involved in the racial justice movement we will be aiding changes in all of our communities. The black movement of today must take center stage in order to tip the dominoes that will run through all of our communities. I stand with the people at the core of our social justice movement and support #BlackLivesMatter.
We will not be posting any of our marketing and community events through the Uptown Studios channels until the protests have stopped. Until then, we will seek out the stories that show our connections to each other and the stories of the people that are out there, creating positive change every day.
Let’s show them what we are made of. Let’s show up in the ways we can and create social change. Let’s make reparations, hire more people of color, support our youth of color, and change the way our police structure has been built!
With humble support and partnership,
Tina Reynolds