1. Web Site Design Fees should be clear and easy to distinguish
You have to know what you are getting. There should be a description – even is it is technical, there should be some details that you can research and see if they are real and mean something that will make your site great. Effective web design companies aren’t afraid to give you the details, they really WANT you to understand the process, how complex it can be and to be there to reassure you that they will take good care of you.
2. Find a Web Design Team That Will Make Billing Easy
An experienced web-design firm will probably have payment terms that are clear and upfront. Like 1/3 upon acceptance, 1/3 at online proof and balance upon completion. Phased payment is the norm in the web development world. Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions, think of this a the start of a great relationship.
3. Shows Off Their Work
You should be able to see examples of work and be able to contact those clients for references.
4. Use Technology to Save Time
Find the professional firm that has lots of experience. That experience will save you money because they will have many short cuts in their tool bag to cut time off of many areas and save time.
5. Starting From Scratch is not the Norm
Templates are the way most designers begin these days. This gets everyone a jump on the project and saves load of time that can be put into customizing sections, or additional add ons. Just because you start with a template does not mean it will not be an original site – that is where the creative professionals shine – adding all the bells and whistles that make it your own!
Finding the right firm to work with can take some time. Once you have found the groups with the technical experience and samples, you need to drill deeper to make sure they are a good fit with you and your staff. You will be working closely with them for a few months in many cases so pick a partner you enjoy and trust. Any time you need pricing or samples Uptown Studios is ready to help you on your next project. We are a phone call away 916-446-1082 or email tina@uptownstudios.net