We are all well into the age of connections at an advanced pace to anything we could have paid for just a short 10 years ago. With the introduction of social and digital media we have been given the opportunity to show our brand personalities. If you are aware of how important your content is to your customer or future customers you will have already learned how very important it is to speak directly to them, show them you have a personality and engage with your connections.
The best way to engage is to create an emotional connection and the easiest way to create that connection is through storytelling. Show your personality and the culture of your organization and how you connect with your community. Here are some easy ways to build those connections:
1. Blog on your website weekly – take 15 to 30 minutes and write a simple three paragraphs about something that YOU care about, be transparent and share your feelings and how you are passionate about what you are writing about. At Uptown Studios, we rotate our content writers through our team, that way the burden is light for each of us – three paragraphs every other month is not a lot of additional work and our viewers get the perspective of our greater team members instead of just one point of view.
2. Create Video content – Video content is a great way to engage because it is a reflection of who you are – don’t be afraid to be your “real” self, make mistakes, laugh and tell stories. Your audience will see you as your true self and the whole video will be more engaging. Make them short for social media – less than a minute but 30 seconds is even better.
3. Behind the Scenes – Create photo journalism style pictures of you and your team at work and behind the scenes – it is a great way to show your passion and expertise. People love to see how the magic happens – so show them a bit of the magic.
Tina Reynolds is founder of Uptown Studios – celebrating 25 years of creating awesome campaigns this year. Check out more of what we are about at uptownstudios.net