Dang! They are shutting down all of Broadway in Sacramento for an amazing all-day community event. No cars, just rows of local vendors, live music, food and even adult recess. I guess I better get my bike in working order so I can cruise down there and partake in some Sunday fun-day at Sunday Street on Broadway. But wait! – My bike has a flat tire and May is Bike month too, I promised to ride 65 miles this year for the Uptown Studios Crew. Bummer. Lemme just hop on Google and find the closest bike shop to get this fixed.
Ok, Google. Nearest bike shop. I speak into my phone.
A few local results appear with positions close to me on the Google map. I choose the one that is closest with the best reviews and head over. They fix my flat and now I’m all set – pretty easy! That’s what Google does. It helps us find things when we are doing research, hungry, in a rush, or on-the-go. It is often our first source for connecting to local businesses and services and it’s easier than you think to promote and grow your own business on Google. We’ll show you how at our FREE Google business training.
FREE Google for Small Business Workshop
Uptown Studios is hosting a FREE training for local small businesses. Learn how to use Google to grow your business in honor of Small Business Week. Join our Google Partners for tips, tools, resources and tricks for appearing in Google search results, on Google Maps and promoting your business online. Then, stay for Q & A and networking after the presentation.
You will learn:
- How to get found on Google Search and Google Maps.
Learn how to set up Google My Business, a free tool that helps you manage information displayed to customers on Google Search and Maps.
- How to grow your business online.
Get an overview of Google tools to help you improve your online presence, including Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, Google Apps for Work, and more.
- How to promote your business with Google AdWords.
Google AdWords can drive customers to your website, your Google My Business listing, or your phone. Learn how it works and get tips for creating effective ads.
Register for the FREE Workshop Here!