Happy Pride Month
Every June I celebrate the whole month. Being an openly gay woman in California is one of the lucks of my life. I was active in the LGBTQI equality movement, fought for the HIV/AIDS movement to be recognized by our government while so many young men died, marched in pride events, protested the passage of Prop 8 that took our right to legally marry away in 2008, led protests and rallies at the State Capital. Through the passage of time I have been yelled at, spit on, and had bottles thrown at me. There were so many scary times, but in hindsight, my life has been a fantastic adventure.
The good times were the potlucks, the parties in the street, the Drag Queen shows, and the Kings of Drag troupe I started in 2005. The Kings of Drag performed to packed houses and raised over $100,000 for charities in our area. The political movement that I was a part of, that slowly raised awareness of HIV/AIDS and ultimately saw care given to those in need, the politics of achieving equality in California—thanks to Gov. Newsom while he was mayor of San Francisco and held Same-Sex Marriages. The recognition of Harvey Milk as a state hero of the LGBTQI community.
We still have more work to do to achieve equality and I hope you will join me in all the future fights that we have to go through. Together we can be even better. Happy Pride y’all!
-Tina Reynolds