The holidays are nearly here, but do you have content ready?
With your holiday marketing campaign set and ready to go, it’s time to create holiday content. But what does that mean if you don’t exactly sell holiday products? What kind of content can you even create? We think it’s time for you to do some target audience exercises.
Ask yourself, what kind of holiday content does your audience want?
If you’re a Sacramento nonprofit, what kind of content do you typically share to speak with your audience? Or, what if you’re a small business who provides services to your audience, not products? What do you typically share online to speak with your audience? Keep those answers in mind, and now think to yourself why that’s the content you typically share. Is it what your target audience finds the most interesting? Engaging? Educational? Helpful? Truthfully, it should be for all of those reasons. If it’s not at least a few, we highly recommend you reassess the content you share! The best practice for sharing content on social media is to share content that is directly relevant to your audience. So, when you’re sitting down to create holiday-focused content, what kind of holiday content would be directly relevant to your audience?
When answering that question, keep these things in mind too
The holidays don’t just mean Christmas. There are countless end-of-year holidays for all religions, cultures, and communities. If your audience could celebrate multiple different holidays ensure that your content reflects that. If your audience likely doesn’t celebrate any religious holidays, then maybe you don’t want to directly talk about any religious holidays. You could instead share content focused on family gatherings, traditions, or end-of-year giving. Take a moment to think about the behaviors your audience might partake in during the holiday season. How could you speak to those behaviors? And if you want to avoid mentioning any actual holiday at all, you could also focus on the time of year. During October-December, it typically gets colder. People tend to donate more and purchase gifts even if it’s not religious-focused. Analyze your target audience’s wants during this time of year. You should always keep your target audience in mind when creating content, but also ensure that you’re not letting your expectations of what holiday-focused content should be get in the way of you actually creating some with your audience in mind.
In need of a holiday campaign? We have a team of marketing professionals that will take your campaign to the next level.
Lastly, make a calendar
A content calendar is the best, easiest way to ensure that your content actually gets shared. It can be hard to collect all those thoughts and ideas if you’re not actually planning anything out on paper. With your holiday themes in mind, open up Google Sheets or your Excel spreadsheet of choice and start creating content buckets to fill. Maybe you want to post five days a week. Make those five days easier on yourself by creating content categories to fill.
This could be things like:
- Product share
- Sale reminder
- Partnership donation
- Industry article
- Landing page plug
With your content buckets created, you can then go back and attach each bucket to date on your calendar. Spread things out so that you have a good variety of content shared throughout the week. Now, you can go back into each date and attach specific content to fulfill that bucket. Do this until you have filled out your calendar. Try to just get a month ahead of your current date, it can be hard to think of ever-green content more than a month in advance.
And there you have it! We hope that after reading this (and doing exactly what we say) you’ll have all your holiday content sorted. Need any extra help? Holler at us!