Social media fatigue… it’s a real thing. We cannot stress to you enough the importance of not letting social media overwhelm you to the point of giving up on all channels. Instead, try one or two channels out, figure out where your audience is, leave the ones where your audience isn’t, and have fun!
One of our biggest tips for saving time and not letting the always on nature of social media overwhelm you is to STRATEGIZE!
Yes. Strategize. Seems like a given, right? Well, I’m going to go ahead and guess that many of you reading this do not have a social media strategy in place. And that’s OK – you’re not alone. But it’s not too late.
Take a step back and ask yourself what your goals are, who your target audience is, what channels you need to be on, and how you will measure success.
This month we will be providing tips and guides to help avoid social media fatigue and provide you with a more solid foundation to better manage your social media efforts.
This week we recommend you download our Social Media Strategy PDF. This document is designed to help you THINK about, PLAN out, and DO social media, to avoid social media fatigue. Through a series of questions, this document is designed to help you figure out who your audience is, how you want to communicate them, and what you want to achieve.
Please take this template and customize it as needed. We are happy to share!