Create Eye-Catching Designs in 5 Simple Steps!
What is the Design Process?
The design process is a tool the Uptown Studios design team utilizes to break down larger projects into smaller, easier to manage tasks. Breaking larger projects into smaller tasks makes it easier for our team to stay on track to ensure we are exceeding our clients expectations and delivering high quality products that they deserve.
There are 5 different steps to our team’s design process. They are outlined below:
- Discovery
- Research
- Brainstorm
- Design
- Present
Design Process Steps:
Step 1 – Client Discovery
During the client discovery phase, our team meets with the client to discuss their goals. In this meeting, we ask them about the following ideas:
- Objectives and goals
- Target audiences
- Competition and Differentiation
- Client Inspiration and Ideas
- Adjectives
- Attributes
Step 2 – Research
In the research phase, our team completes research on the industry and completes a mind-mapping exercise. We start by researching the industry in general. This is where we ask the “who, what, when, where, why” questions. We also do research on industry logo techniques to get a better understanding of what our clients’ competition is doing. In this phase, we look at different colors, shapes and tones.
Once we complete this research, we develop a mind-map. A Mind Map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged around a central concept or subject using a non-linear graphical layout that allows the user to build an intuitive framework around a central concept. In our mind-maps, we include main nouns that we want the target audience to relate to the brand, adjectives that describe the brand and attributes we want to be associated with the brand.
Step 3 – Brainstorm
In step 3, the brainstorm phase, the Uptown Studios design team spends about 30 minutes sketching out designs. In this phase, we like to think there is no such thing as a bad idea. Sketch any idea you can think of and eventually you will end up with a few good options. Once you take 30 minutes to sketch your ideas, pick your top three sketches. Once you have three options, it’s time to move on to step 4.
Step 4 – Design
Step 4, the design phase, is where all of the magic happens! This is where Uptown Studios’ design team creates digital renderings from the designs they chose in the brainstorm session. Once you design these three sketches, start refining them. Try adding color or grayscale, but keep in mind, this will depend on the clients wants and needs. Once you finalize these designs, be sure to set them up in presentation format.
Step 5 – Present
In Step 5, the Uptown Studios team will present the designs to the client. Our team has a few tips that will help make this phase more successful. First, remind the client of their target audience. Try your best to put your client in the target audience’s shoes so they can see your designs from their perspective. Once you’ve done this, present the three refined concepts. When you are presenting, try telling a story. Telling the client a story about the designs you created will help them visualize how the target audience will respond to your designs and how it will make them feel.
Why Do We Do This?
Great designs don’t happen by accident. The design process helps us plan and outline our designs before just jumping right in. When you are in need of brilliant, new designs, reach out to the Uptown Studios team so we can bring your ideas to life. Visit our website to see some of our past designs, or to get a quote today.
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