Marketing on Google Ads, Facebook, Twitter and constantly tweaking your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) is just the bait on the end of your fishing pole. When someone sees your ad and clicks, it’s time to reel them in with a landing page.
One of the fastest ways to get someone to go from just a nibble in the pond to the catch-of-the-day is to make it simple for them to take the action you want. If you are marketing, one of the best ways to move a customer along on their journey is to use a landing page. Most landing pages can be created quickly and bring in leads indefinitely.
A landing page is a web page that only exists to take your ad traffic, win them over and create results. It is an easy-to-understand page that tells your visitor why you are the best, your story, what others think of you and drives them to take a single action. It does not live on your main website, rather, it is a stand-alone digital net to bring in that big fish.
Why create a landing page?
Think of a landing page as your elevator pitch. It is the place you send interested visitors to learn more about what you offer and sell them on connecting with you. Whether you are selling a product or service, asking for calls and contact form submissions, selling memberships, soliciting donations or just want to collect email addresses for your next e-blast, this is the way to go.
Some of the Benefits:
- More compelling than a website visit
- Reduce chance of visitors leaving, becoming frustrated or not understanding what to do
- Make it easy for visitors to take an action, increasing your leads
- Faster page load speeds and more mobile friendly than most websites
- Tailor your content to match your ads and call-to-action for a seamless user experience
- Track button clicks, calls and form submissions for in-depth performance insight
- Easier than a website to test content, image and color variations for better results
What’s on a landing Page?
The simpler, the better. Focus your page on one main goal and tie the content closely with the ad that drives traffic to it. This is not the place to talk about your history and locations and other things that may be confusing or overwhelming to a visitor. You want them to see an ad, read a short page and take the action. Have fun with it. Create bold, compelling headlines and copy.
Write a clear value proposition. Why are you better than your competitor? What are the specific benefits to working with you? What does the visitor get? It’s all about them. Tell the visitor why you are the best and what they should do before the first scroll. Honestly, most people will not read your whole page anyway, so load all a visitor needs to know right away. Include the way to complete the action “above the fold”.
Have a clear and simple call to action -“Call Us Now!”, “Join our Mailing List”. Then, make the that action as simple as possible to do and place it front-and-center. The whole idea is that even your website can be a barrier to collecting leads. We are reducing the whole experience to one page for a simple ask.
Visitors will always watch a one-minute long video before they read paragraphs of text. Enhance your landing page with videos and high-quality images and put your testimonials and reviews close to the top. Remember, you will only have the visitors attention for so long. The right video, images and testimonials will inspire your visitor to take action more than a ton of boring copy.
If you’re using a form, it should be very simple, just a few fields to fill out. Even the best landing page in the world can be ruined by asking a visitor to complete an exhaustive process. Sometimes it is best to simply ask that they call you or to give their email address. Look at your action element and ask yourself if you would take the time to complete the process?
We are expert landing page creators! We will discover what your goals are, write compelling content and design a beautiful page. When it’s up-and-running, we’ll connect your ads right to it and you will be reeling in your white whale in no time! Get a free quote on your next project.