If your city could talk, what do you think it would say? Here is what I imagine Sacramento would tell us.
To my beloved Sacramentans,
Do you know what gets me up in the morning? You. You are what makes every day brighter. Sure, we’ve had our rainy days and some somber moments, but you’ve also given me reasons to sing, create, and innovate. It is because of you that my landscape is growing to include an arena, a soccer stadium and possibly, fingers crossed, a velodrome. It is through the hymns of the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus and the melodies of the philharmonic that I have a voice. It is through the hidden underbellies, the paintings at the Crocker Art Museum, and installations at Verge that I have a face and form. It is through the movement at E. Claire Raley Studios that I can dance. It is at the American River Parkway that I reflect and at B Street Theatre that I dream. It is at the Midtown Farmers Market and Gather that I meet each of you. Sacramentans, you bring me to life every day.
When life brings you down and the world reminds you of the cruelty that exists, I want you to remember that you are home. That you have each other. That when you join hands and create wondrous things, you make me great. You make us great.
My dear Sacramentans, thank you. Thank you for dreaming big, for never giving up on us, but most importantly, thank you for your dedication and loyalty. We have been great since our inception and we will continue to do wondrous things together. Remember that, especially now. Remember that always.