Uptown Studios has moved our business model to a TEAL bold business model and it is based on self-management. It is a bold shift from the standard work environment – where everyone has a boss – to no one having a boss. What does that mean and how is it different from a standard business model?
Each person that works here is responsible to their clients and to their team members. They need to meet on a regular basis, agree on communications and create team agreements.
An example is we have a team for each of our services; Design Team – they need to meet and agree on how they are going to communicate with each other and their clients, how they are going to handle disagreements, and how they are going to inform the greater team and clients along the way. Each person agrees to what they are responsible for, lets their team know what they love to do and how it will be done, and supports the rest of team whenever needed.
Each of our teams has an agreement written down on how to keep everyone moving forward. The goal is not to have one person that knows everything but everyone works together to deliver awesome end products – and happy clients – AND happy crew!
How do you build a team that works well within a Self-Management model?
This is a special culture of team members, they need to have the entrepreneurial spirit and then be encouraged to change the way they have always worked in their past experience – it is a big change and a lot of work on each individual’s personal way of getting things done.
The idea is to hire someone to do the job then let them do the job with the support of their surrounding team – not in a silo, not waiting for instructions on how to do it from others – but take it on and git ’er done and keep your team informed.
Working as a team builds a better widget, rather than relying on your own and working alone. When you can develop a trusted rapport with your immediate team and your extended team – it is magic!
Let me know how we can help you with your business. Contact me directly at tina@uptownstudios.net.