I’m a planner. On everything I do, I map out every step and explore every possibility before I get started. Now, as a project manager, this can come in handy and helps me guide the team and clients on jobs and ensure we meet deliverables. However, as part of the creative world, it is important to not lose a sense of spontaneity. It is important to be open to out of the box ideas and things that push us outside of our routine and comfort zone.
At Uptown Studios, we’ve built a culture that nurtures creativity and thrives on collaboration and innovation. We do this by viewing each other, our clients, peers, and various industries as our teachers. We are constantly learning and growing. For example, when developing a new website, we’ve created a process that helps guide the discussion while also challenging us, encourages team work, and allows for exploration of new ideas. There will be brainstorming sessions, bouncing off ideas and pushing the limits of standard practices and technology. For us, building a new website is more than picking a template and adding your logo. You’re unique and as such your website should be too. We aim to not only create a beautiful product that represents you and meets your needs but that sets you apart and puts you at the cutting edge of new technology.
We hope you’ll join us on a journey of collaboration and that together we can create something that will knock the socks off the world! Give us a call today at 916-446-1082.