One short week left after 113 weeks of planning… so close to our NEW studio space!
I have had my patience tried so many times in my lifetime, but converting this warehouse into our new studio space has been a real life experience… I purchased the building in June of 2014 and now in August of 2016 we are almost ready to move in – we are in the last week and BAM! it will be moving day.
Our new studio space has been an effort of passion – 30 years ago I knew I would be in a converted warehouse, I just didn’t think it would be this hard.
Challenges aside, this is so worth it all. Our new image, new brand, new building and happy crew is all about this new space. This will be a whole new adventure as we grow and are cemented in as one of the top creative and marketing firms in our area. Each of us at Uptown Studios working to grow an excellent Sacramento in our innovative and wonderful ways.
Building a space is no different than building a team, a community, a dream that comes to life. We have a saying here at Uptown Studios on how to build anything new:
- Think a THINK
Think long and hard and envision in your head what you want, how to make it happen and move forward with intention. - Plan a PLAN
After the long, hard THINK – it is time to make a plan – whether it is blueprints or marketing strategy – get it down on paper. Detail out the plan and include others in the plan – buy in and consensus is so important to keep the vision moving forward. - Do a DO
It’s on paper, you have buy in, you have a well developed plan – now pull the friggin’ trigger and make it happen. Do IT! This is the most challenging phase and it is hardest at the “pull the trigger” portion – once you commit it is all going to fall into place.
We got it done. A lifetime dream come true – exactly as I dreamed. With all the pride in me bursting out – I can only say – if you know my story – well, you know how hard I have worked to make this come true. Without so many people in my life that helped my dream – thank you from the bottom of my heart – especially my wife Kate and the Uptown Studios crew. I am overwhelmed with so many feelings – please come by and see our new space – and a piece of my dream.
On Monday we launch a new brand, new logo, new website, new business cards and a big welcome to come by and see our new digs. 2415 23rd Street – Between X and Broadway.