Earlier in my career, I was a newspaper publisher and I loved many things about it. I enjoyed the design and layout, along with the feeling that the magazine my team produced enriched the lives of those who read it.
The work I do now includes a lot of social media management and one of the tools I have used for the past four years is Paper.li. Here’s the most recent edition.
Paper.li is a content curation tool that enables individuals to create newspapers based on topics they choose and Automatically find, publish & promote engaging articles, photos and videos from across the web. It automatically includes video clips, photos, stories and categorizes them into the topics you choose. You can also add #hastags that you want it to track, Twitter lists of other pages, blog feeds, trending hashtags and you can include anything you can find online and add it using a bookmarklet. You can select general topics that you want to include and deselect those that you do not.
When I started with Paper.li I first created several Twitter lists that contained people who consistently posted things of value. Sacramento nonprofit organizations, socially aware regional businesses in addition to others that post really interesting things about the things we do at Uptown Studios including graphic design, website design, video production, social media management and print.
Shortly after discovering this awesome tool we chose to purchase the Pro version and we really get a great return on investment from it. For a mere $9 a month, we get full editing capability, 5 ad units, custom branding, Google analytics tracking and email newsletter automatic mailing. Our Google analytics tracking reports that Paper.li consistently delivers people to our website. Also it helps build affinity to the groups that are included because people love it when you share their message. It sends a tweet announcing the availability of the newspaper along with the Twitter handles of those who posted it.
I highly recommend this as a next step for any business that strives to be a topic leader on almost any subject.
I also read a lot of Paper.li newspapers from other curators every workday, finding interesting content to share and to stay up-to-date with what’s going on on many topics.
If you have any questions on Paper.li or any other projects, we’re here to help – contact us today!