In 2012 I went through a year at Leadership Sacramento and during that year I learned so much about Sacramento, but the best part was meeting new people and connecting with them so closely that we are still connected and meet on a regular basis. The team building starts with a class project that we have to plan, raise money for and get approved by the board. From initial thoughts to the final completion of the project and all within one year of membership. We learn more about setting goals and working as teams during Leadership Sacramento.
For those who are not familiar, Leadership Sacramento is a program of the Metro Chamber that develops community-minded business and civic leaders of tomorrow through a year-long interactive program that provides a behind-the-scenes understanding of the issues that impact the region.
Leadership Sacramento Class of 2012
The class of 2012 built the Soil Born Farms outdoor amphitheater – we raised over $350,000 in money and in-kind donations, created plans working closely with Soil Born and finished the construction – all within one year! Awesome experience for all class members.
My year was so meaningful to me that I have supported and encouraged our Uptown Studios crew each year since.
Leadership Sacramento Class of 2013
Uptown Studios sponsored Sarah Barkawi, our Project Director, in her year of service. Class 2013’s project was Boys and Girls Club renovation, raising over $150,000 and turning it into a teen center. Again Sarah learned and grew so much within the year and accomplished so very much with her classmates. She came back to Uptown Studios each month filled with new ideas, goals and aspirations that she could apply to her work here.
Leadership Sacramento Class of 2014
Uptown Studios sponsored Leidhra Johnson, Marketing Director, in her year of service. Class 2014’s project was redesigning and building a new Mustard Seed School learning center, raising over $60,000 for their project. Leidhra always brought back big learning, new ideas and connections to Uptown Studios. She had an awesome experience, grew personally and professionally and did such great work for our friends at Loaves and Fishes and Mustard Seed School.
Leadership Sacramento Class of 2015
Class 2015 – Uptown Studios is sponsoring Cris Weber, Art Director, who is coming up on the end of her year in Leadership Sacramento. Class 2015 is building the Courage Cafe and has raised over $65,000 to create a coffee shop in downtown Sacramento that will provide a sustainable funding stream and a much-needed community presence for the organization while providing customers a tangible way to make a difference in the lives of these children.
The one thing that is consistent with each class every year – we all think we had the Best Class Ever and even created class hashtags to declare it on a regular basis. Cris is going to come out of her year of service wiser and more deeply ingrained in our community. We all know that everywhere we go or show up in our community, we will run into cohorts from our class or classes before or after, that we will have an instant kinship to.
Building a team with goals and objectives is not hard when you have coworkers like we have at Uptown Studios – each and every person is ready to commit and get involved. With our goal of providing the best quality and service to each and every client, we get better at this by building an exterior team spirit through our participation in groups like Leadership Sacramento.
You can learn more by visiting the Metro Chamber’s Leadership Sacramento page.