Ergonomics In Your Workspace

Many of us here at Uptown Studios began working from home in March of 2020, and not long after that we became 100% remote. After a few weeks of WFH, one thing stood out: I was sitting a lot more, and it was starting to get uncomfortable, tiresome, and boring. I mean, I was sitting …

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Faceoff: WordPress vs. SquareSpace

When developing a new website, two of the most popular choices for a CMS platform are SquareSpace and WordPress. So let's take a look at them both to compare some of their main features. Initial Cost and Barrier for Entry SquareSpace has fewer upfront costs than WordPress, but in my opinion, that is about where ...

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New Year’s Resolutions for 2018

It is time to make some obligatory resolutions for the upcoming new year…   Learn Something New Every Month The first thing I want to commit to for 2018 is learning new things. It’s really difficult to keep up with the world of web development. I once read in an article that 3 months in …

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Avoid Having a “Not Secure” Warning on Your Website

Google announced last month that their Chrome browser will start displaying a Not Secure warning in the address bar on all websites that are not secured by a valid, up-to-date SSL certificate. Currently this warning displays on all web pages that have forms, such as login pages and shopping cart checkout pages. Starting with version ...

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Uptown’s Top 3 Web Design Trends

I have been a web developer at Uptown Studios for nearly 5 years, and dabbling in the dark arts of web development since the mid 90s. But as a kid and young adult I was also very artistic. I loved to draw, mostly comic book and Dragon Ball Z characters, and coloring them in with ...

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Create Website Performance and Accessibility

I started working at Uptown Studios in the summer of 2012. One of my first big tasks was the redesign of the Uptown Studios website. I worked over the holiday break from late December into early January and came out the other side with a pretty great looking, new website. We used …

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Atom: The Best Text Editor Ever!

A good text editor is a web developers best friend. I have used a few over the years and have had varying experiences with each one I have used. In the past I have tried out TextWrangler for Mac, Notepad++ for PC, and, one of the most popular, Sublime Text 2. Then, one day while ...

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Get the Website Security Blanket

At Uptown Studios, we love building websites on WordPress, with all of it’s flexibility and ability to grow and scale to any size – WordPress can handle almost anything you throw at it. Websites powered by WordPress only become insecure if they are allowed to be so, which means it’s critical to make sure you …

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