10 Point Strategy to Beef Up Security on your WordPress Site

Here at Uptown Studios, we host and manage close to 130 sites running on WordPress, so ensuring they are all in tip-top shape in the security department is one of my top priorities. To stay on top of it all, I have put together 10 Point Strategy to Beef Up Security on your WordPress Site.

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5 More Ways To Make Your Website More Effective

Last week we discussed 5 Ways To Make Your Website More Effective as part one of a two part series. So, without further adieu, I present to you the conclusion to last weeks post, 5 More Ways To Make Your Website More Effective. Enjoy! Make your website focused, fresh, informative and relevant with a blog. Blogging is the best way to keep your content fresh …

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5 Ways to Make Your Website More Effective

An effective website is like having an employee that works 24/7 to promote your business. Here are some key things that you need to consider that will get visitors to your site and get them engaged with your content.

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Top 5 Web Design Trends of 2014

I know its a tad late, but Happy New Year! Last year was pretty great, amirite? Good times, good times. But 2013 was not without its shortcomings, especially in the world of web design. And the times they are a-changing. So without further ado, here are my Top 5 most anticipated (and some already happening) trends in web design for the year 2014 and beyond.

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‘WWW’ is out. Naked domains are in!

Naked Domains Gradually over the last decade or so, URLs on the World Wide Web have been ditching the www prefix for their domain sans www, otherwise known as naked domains. Opinions for and against this recent trend have been somewhat split. One of the only real reasons to still use the www in a ...

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Goodbye Internet Dark Days. Hello CSS3

CSS3: Game Changer CSS3 has changed the way websites are designed and consumed on phones and desktops. The world of the web has come a long way since its early days of moving GIFs and table based layouts. In the dark days of the internet as a web developer, you were restricted to aligning elements ...

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Posting Videos is Easy and Fun

WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms because of its huge community, customizability and ease of use. Almost any average internet use can build a website with rich, dynamic content. But sometimes creating a text only blog post or page simply won't cut it. I mean, why write in 500 words when a ...

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Go Responsive!

What's Responsive Web Design and Why You Need It The world of the web is becoming increasingly dominated by mobile devices of varying screen sizes. The amount of people relying on their cell phone or tablet for their primary point of access to the web is getting larger and larger each day. In the past ...

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