There are many steps in the process to design and develop a new website. We have a full team of creative professionals here at Uptown Studios that are eager to work closely with you on making a new website as easy as we can make it –
we have set up our processes into 3 steps:
Step One:
We send out an information form that will give us all the things we need to set up our first meeting with you – it will ask things like list some sites you like, attach your logo and tell us about your firm. Once we get this info form we set up a face-to-face meeting with your team and our creative team and web project manager. In this meeting, we will go through a site map of your site and present you with a “mood board” that shows you some of the style ideas we want to discuss with you. We also share a content document with you so you can start collecting your content at the same time that we are beginning the design of your site – this way we meet at the last step and you are ready with content and we are ready to load and launch the site.
Step Two:
We set up another face-to-face meeting to go over with the design team the first proof of the home page of your new website – this is usually pretty exciting for us and for your team. We discuss why we did certain things and how it is designed for the user experience, colors fonts and styles of photos and graphics. We take your changes and give you another round of proofs and then we are usually ready to set up the internal pages design and get you to sign off on those layouts.
Once the design is approved it is off to our web development team for the online proofs.
Step Three:
Our web development team takes the approved design and layout and starts coding the site to make it look as close to the original layout as possible. They work closely with you on how the roll overs will look and work, they will mock the initial proof of the online development site with dummy content so you can see what it will look like with the content in place along with dummy photos and images. We send you a link to the online dev site for you to click through and set up a meeting with our project manager to discuss any issues or changes you want to see on the development site and get them all taken care of before we begin loading content.
Once you sign off the online site we need all your content and images and begin loading the finals so we are prepped for the last proof of the site. When all the content is loaded and ready you jump in for the last round of proofs by your team – get in there and check out everything just before we are set to launch the site.
Approval comes and next is live site launch. There usually some final fixes at launch then send out your press release to have your followers check out your brand new site and celebrate.
Click this https://uptownstudios.net/services/ to get a proposal for a new website for your company or nonprofit – we will get pricing to you within 3-4 days and set up meetings to get the ball rolling. See some of the website design we have done below.