Now that spring is here, we have a few tips on how to clean up your website.
Your website is your virtual office and it works for you 24/7 so investing some time into making it work better, especially if you haven’t updated it for use on mobile devices is really worth the time investment.
One important thing that you should take care of right way is adding a SSL certificate to your website. The Google search engine will alert visitors to the security issues associated with websites that have not taken this step to protect their visitors. Find out more on this blog from our Web Manager, Brent Stromberg: Avoid Having A “Not Secure” Warning On Your Website
One tip is to go to the HubSpot website grader and enter your url, click generate report and let ‘er rip. Look at the items marked in red and yellow to get information on how your site can be improved.
Add your company Social Media links to your current site. Social media isn’t going away, so use the platforms to build your brand, your message and your business.
Do you have your site tagged with keywords? Keywords are the words that describe what you do so the search engines can find you during a search, you need to have them tagged in your content so clients can find them AND find you!
Make your virtual office represent you as well as you can, it may be the only visit you get!
Don’t have time? We would be happy to perform a check on your site for you and tell you what the issues. Just send me an email at tina@uptownstudios.net.