Especially with web and digital work. And it changes at the speed of light in our studio! I want to discuss Responsive Site Design what it means and why it is so important.
1. What is it?
Responsive design means that your website is precoded with information that lets the site know where the visitor is viewing your site from. Whether it is a main computer, a phone or iPad device, the information then relays a different layout for the view device. So if you are on your main computer you see the full and complete design of the website, once you move to an iPad, say, the view will change to a 2 column layout to accommodate the screen size on the iPad. If you then move to an iPhone or android the whole website will be converted to a single column.
The entire idea behind responsive design is to make it easier to view and scroll a website from a mobile device – besides once you hit 40 you’re going to need help on your phone reading a whole site without responsive design. No one can read 2 point type!
2. Why Now?
First is it not JUST now happening, this whole responsive revolution has been in the works for years and it is JUST now that people are seeing the benefits from creating a site that reshapes to your viewing device. You can test this on our site – It’s a lovely thing. We made a decision in August of 2012 that we would not do any more sites that were not responsive and we have successfully launched over 30 responsive sites in the past year.
3. How do you start?
Take a look at your site, if it is 2009 and older – you just probably need a new design anyway. Make sure when you are thinking about a new site you only consider responsive design and make sure the company you choose understands how important it is to you.
If you are looking for a site review – contact Tina and we will run a free review of your site and send you the report to share with your IT folks – if you don’t have a webmaster or IT folks – just call us – we can fill that bill!
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