Brand Shift
Brand shift is where we take a look at what you started with, say three to five years ago, and compare it to what your staff and crew are using today. Brand shift is easy to make happen and it happens all the time, every day at your office.
One employee likes serif fonts, so Susan starts using Times as the font on the tag line, or Jeff thinks of a better tagline and drops it in to see how it floats, and Greg really likes this particular shade of dark blue and uses it in the background of the logo.
Brand Shift – Just Happens
By the time your are a few years into it and look at how everyone is using your logo, you will probably need to reel everyone in and have the talk about, only use this logo this way.
You should also look at the tone and tense of your content, your words are part of your brand. Have people shifted from we to I when they are on your corporate social media pages? Developing standards is one thing and making sure everyone is adhering to them is another story.
If you don’t have time to stalk your team and make sure everything is going as you planned, perhaps it is time to have a materials audit. That is when we come in and take a look at all your marketing outlets and make sure YOU are represented as your agreed in the beginning.
Uptown Studios is here to help. We like this type of work…
Out & About
This week was really busy for training sessions and some strategic planning help.
Brent Stromberg, Web Manager, and Tina Reynolds did a fun training on websites on a budget at the 2014 Land Conservation Conference at the Doubletree Inn. We had some great conversations about how WordPress sites have become such a stable, reliable AND affordable option for all of our nonprofit friends to get a really great website for an affordable price. Good conversations at this training.
Leidhra Johnson, Social Media Director, and Tina Reynolds drove to San Jose to present at the California Charter Schools Conference on Social Media. We covered tips on Facebook, Twitter and how to get more attention. We still find there is a fear factor about posting something that is not correct, but slowly we are easing people into a comfort zone to utilize social media as one of their key and reliable marketing tools. We had a really big group of engaged and active folks at this one – Thanks CCSC!
Tina Reynolds is helping Down Syndrome Info Alliance in a half day strategic planning session on Friday – They are doing such great work! Thanks to Heather Green for inviting me to jump in and help them out.
Blog Tina's Two Bits