Early in my career as a designer and principal of a visual communications firm, I was a “I’ll do it all myself” kind of manager. I thought that if I handled everything myself, it would get done better, on time, every time. I perceived delegation to others as a sign of failure. As you can imagine, this resulted in long hours, many working weekends and zero personal life.
With time, I learned the art of delegation and the value of having awesome humans to work with. When you have a great team like I have at Uptown Studios, delegation means these amazing people have got my back and I appreciate it.
Delegating tasks and projects to team members lets them know that you value their talents. It sends a clear message that you trust them and want to help them grow in their job.
If you find yourself having a little trouble trouble letting go of “everything”, check out these quick tips for delegation success:
- Delegate the entire job. One hundred percent responsibility for a task is a great performance motivator. The more often you assign responsibilities to the right people, the more proficient they become.
- Pick the right person. Choosing a person with the wrong skill set for the task will result in failure for both parties. Be sure that the person you delegate the task to is capable of doing the job.
- Delegate clear outcomes. Make them measurable. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Explain what is to be done, how you think it should be done, and the reasons for doing this job in the first place.
Do you have a design, web, social media or video project that you need to get off your plate?
At Uptown Studios, we have an amazing team with specialized talents and expertise. They never shy away from a challenge and are always willing to take on a new project with their pencil sharpened and thinking cap on. Give us a call today and let us tackle your upcoming creative endeavor.
And take the weekend off!