Each week a few of us at Uptown Studios are going to chat about our week, what interesting things happened and awesome projects we got to work on. I hope you will find some inspiration in your day.
I want to introduce everyone to our new Web Developer Brent Stomberg, he is the perfect fit with our crew at Uptown Studios.
This last week was a crazy one for me with lots of ups and downs. Getting acclimated to the new environment of Uptown Studios and the speed at which things move has been some what of a challenge, but I’m getting better at it every day. Compared to my last job its like coming from a one-horse carriage to driving in the Indy 500. But I feel accomplished at the end of each day and I am incredibly grateful to be here contributing.
One thing I discovered last week is a neat little extension for a Mac called HyperDock. I came exclusively from Windows and there was some functionality that I was missing; Windows creates a preview when you hover over applications in the dock, or making a window go full screen by dragging and holding at top of the screen. It has increased my productivity and made life just a little bit easier. It’s a free 15 day license and then its $10 after that for the full license. Ten bucks! That’s a sweet deal if you ask me.
I’m learning more and more each day, with PHP and responsive web design at the top of my list. I’m having a blast here as the new web developer and hope to be writing these weekly updates for many years to come.
CRIS WEBER, Art/Web Director
Last week we delivered the new fabulous window signage for Trey B Cakes. Check it out when you are cycling through Midtown (1801 L Street) and be sure to stop in for some Honey Lavender Gelato. We are also finishing up a new website featuring another delicious offering, Chefs’ Olive Mix, a specialty premium olive oil and balsamic store in Old Sacramento. If you are local, visiting the store is a must. You can do tasting and pairing of such combinations as Coconut White Balsamic and Persian Lime Extra Virgin Olive Oil = Yum!
I am continuing my explorations in fermentation with a weekly batch of Kombucha and my first herbed cheese made from yogurt. Last night I finished making a batch of dehydrator beet chips. I used the candy striped variety of beet and they turned out quite lovely and good for you too!
KATE MOORE, Multimedia Director
Take a look at the videos we just completed for our client Mark Redmond http://markredmondlaw.com/ his videos are on Youtube:
Enjoy your weekend – from the Uptown Studios Crew