What would you do to spring clean your website? Now that spring has almost arrived. Here are some ideas on how to clean your virtual house – your website!

  1. Go to the HubSpot website grader and enter your url, click generate report and let ‘er rip. You will get a report emailed to you that will tell you how good your website is. There may be some items that you need help understanding and we would be happy to help with any technical info.
  2. It might be time to update or upgrade some of the areas of your website – do you have a contact form with a captcha form? Those Captcha forms keep the spam from your email box. An example is on our site at https://www.uptownstudios.net/ on the right side, where the type is hard to read, that assures that you are a real person and are able to send the message.
  3. Maybe it is time to add Social Media links to your current site. It isn’t ever going away, time to get on board and join the social media revolution – if you need help we can add the links to your Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accounts.
  4. Do you have your site tagged with keywords? Keywords are the words that describe what you do so the search engines can find you during a search, you need to have them tagged in your content so the robots can find them AND find you!

The whole idea is that people will first find you on the web, before they email, before they call and most definitely before they come to your place of business or your nonprofit. So make your virtual office represent you as well as you can, it may be the only visit you get!

Don’t have time? We would be happy to perform a check on your site for you and tell you what the issues. Just send me an email at tina@uptownstudios.net.

Uptown Studios
By Uptown Studios