When is it time to take a look at your marketing and shake it up a little? And how do you plan for changes? At Uptown Studios we do a serious inventory of our marketing effectiveness and new possibilities in the last quarter of each year.
- We will look at our website stats for the year – what were the high points and the things that didn’t quite work.
- It’s a great time to go through Google Analytics and review your website. There are thousands of things each day that will tell you your marketing is lagging – your website may not be utilizing current and new technology – we all know that your website is your first welcome to any new clients – does it welcome people in and make their visit easy? Can people find where to contact you with a click? Does it reflect your current personality and passion for your company?
- We just did a rebrand at Uptown Studios and we will be asking people their thoughts on the subtle changes – we don’t want to risk losing our brand loyalty and reputation. Is your brand working for you? Does your logo look fresh and solid? Does it need a freshen up?
- This is the time we will go in and freshen up the content on our website and make sure it is getting the clicks we expect. Does the tone of your content reflect your passion and involvement in your clients?
- Is Search Engine Optimization and Google your friend? Can people find you on the first or second page of a Google search? Maybe time for a freshen up to your content and serious look at your key words. We will analyze our key search terms and make sure we are coming up on page one or two – if not we take it seriously and start working on our content.
We spend the last quarter pulling our team in and working on innovative ways to keep our vision as fresh as our people – and our team as excited about being the leading creative team in our area. We need everyone’s ideas to keep us on the top both internally and externally.
Being the best means you bring your passion to everything you do!